
Caring for Puppy/Potty Training

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House breaking can be more difficult for some dogs than others and for some breeds versus other breeds.

French bulldogs are not the easiest breed to house break and Cane Corsos pick it up so fast some of my clients tell me that their pups have never had an accident in the house since the day they pick them up from me.

The first thing we need when house breaking a dog is “PATIENCE”.  I know this can be trying at times and we think the dog should have made the connection by a certain point, but some dogs just don’t pick things up as fast as others and some dogs have smaller bladders, so they can’t hold them selves as well as others.

The following is a few tips that will definitely expedite the house breaking process.

*  First thing “DO NOT HIT YOUR DOG” for having an accident.  They will not make the connection any faster and you  can cause permanent damage to your dogs temperament and confidence.

*  If you catch your dog in the act clap your hands loudly and say NO and grab your dog as fast as you can to get it out side to finish its job.  When the dog finishes make sure to praise him/her.  

*  If your dog had an accident in the house make sure to clean it up and disinfect the area so you remove all traces and smells.  If your dog doesn’t smell urine or feces in the house and only smells it in the area in the yard where they are suppose to go, then they will make the connection much faster.

*  If you have to leave for a couple hours or so, make sure to put your pup in a good size training crate or lock them in the kitchen or bathroom, so they don’t have the run of the house to do their business in while you are away.  When you get back, make sure the first thing you do is put your pup out right away and praise him/her when they do their business.  

*  When you wake in the morning put your pup out right away (no playing with it first as it will need to do its business) After it has done its business outside bring it in and feed it breakfast.  After breakfast, I always put my pups back outside for a half hour or so as they will go again right after they eat and this is a time they really like to play as well.  After playing they will need to go back outside to relieve themselves as wellbefore their naps (They are pooping and peeing machines when they are pups)

* If you can, put the pup out at least once in the middle of the night.  I put mine out around 2 am (its hard for a pup to go through the night without relieving itself)

*  Whenever your pup wakes up from a nap it will need to go outside right away.

*  Whenever your pup eats it will need to go outside to relieve itself.

*  After your pup has had a fun play session, put it outside to relieve itself before it takes its nap.

*  DO NOT let a new pup have the run of the house. You need to be with your pup every minute of the day, until it is house trained, so you can catch him/her in the act which will expedite the house training ten fold.  I suggest putting your pup on a leash in the house, so this way he/she will always be at your side.  If the pup has an accident while you are playing and it runs when you clap your hands and say no, then you will be able to grab the leash really quick before it gets away on you and put him/her outside to finish its business and praise it for doing so.  

*  The more positive an experience your pup has with house breaking the faster it will learn.  Hitting your dog doesn’t make it learn the connection between going out side versus inside faster, it just teaches your dog to fear you and you will end up ruining what could be an amazing family member, to a shy and cowering dog that wants to run and hide from you.  

If you need any advise with house breaking your dog and this article is not completely helping you, please give me a call.  I am more than happy to chat with anyone who needs help or advise with training their dog in a positive manner.