
Medications/Health Care


Important to know if you own a french bulldog or any brachycephalic breed.


Get your dog out of the heat and find some shade. Place cool, wet clothes on feet and around head. Use cool water, not ice water, to cool your bulldogs (extreamly cold water will constrict blood vessels and impede cooling). Offer cool water or ice cubes for your dog to lick or chew.

Put lemon juice in your dogs mouth to break up the foam in the back of the throat, which will help it breath a little easier.  Rubbing alcohol rubbed on the feet and belly will also cool your dog down, until you can get it to the vet or in an airconditioned room if it isn’t in serious destress.


NEVER give RAWHIDE to your dog. This is the deadliest chew toy on the market. 25% of dogs that chew on this die!

Dogs often choke to death on rawhide and if they are lucky enough to get it down their throat, rawhide causes blockage in the intestines. 


I recently had to put down one of my frenchies after giving him Nexguard.  He started having seizures, which got closer and closer together with every seizure he had.  He got Nexguard on Saturday and had to be put down 7 days later.

Bravecto is suppose to be even worse.  

All chewables are poison and dangerous to give.  A better option is to use a natural product like Wonderside Sprays, bath with Blue Dawn Dish Soap, and sprinkle diatamatious earth on the ground, to kill fleas and ticks, before they can get to your dog. 

If you need to use a flea control, topicals are safer by far.  I personally like REVOLUTION.


Benadryl can be given for allergic reactions to pretty much anything, such as bee stings, food allergies, skin conditions such as welts etc. 

Give 1mg for every pound of body weight.  You can give Benadryl every few hours for the first day if the reaction is not going down fast enough.  Dogs metabolize Benadryl very quickly unlike humans.


Change the dogs diet to a bland diet, such as boiled chicken breast and rice. Cottage cheese is also a great alternative.  Spoon a little pure pumpkin puree on to their bland food to help expedite the healing process. 

There are several remedies to help your fur baby get over a bout of diarrhea.  If you are not sure why your dog has diarrhea, the first thing you should do is take a stool sample into your vets to have them test it for parasites. 

If the diarrhea is not to bad you can give pure pumpkin puree

If it is pretty bad and you are having a hard time getting it under control, you can give:

 * Metronidazole (5 to 10 mgs per pound of body weight depending on the severity of diarrhea, twice a day)

* Imodium

      * 0.5 mg per 10 pounds of body weight twice daily. 

  • For liquid Imodium A-D, dogs are usually given 0.3 to 0.6 mL per pound of weight two to three times per day.
  • For Imodium A-D caplets or EZ Chews, dogs should usually take one 2 mg caplet or chew for every 25 to 50 pounds of body weight two or three times per day.
  • A dog can take one 2-milligram pill per 40 pounds of body weight two-to-three times a day


For anti-diarrhea and upset Stomach Relief


If you dogs stool comes back positive for GIARDIA, ROUND WORM or HOOK WORM, you can purchase FENBENDAZOLE on-line or at any farm store.  Give 1ml for every 5lbs of body weight

If your dogs stool comes back positive for COCCIDIA you can order TOLTRAZURIL on-line or pick up CORID at any farm supply store and either add some to their water for a few days or make a drench and syringe feed to your dog for 5 days

You must give a prebiotic and probiotic when giving meds, to replace the good bacteria of the bowles. 

Gentamicin Sulfate With Betamethasone Valerate

This is an amazing product!!!

It is the go to for 

  • Hot Spots
  • Infected Superficial Lesions
  • I have used this product for secondary yeast infection of the feet and ears, and it worked with one treatment

Please be careful and do not overuse this product as it can have adverse side effects, when used to much!  Do your research online and discuss with your vet.

Antibiotic Dosing for Dogs


AMOXICILLIN 5mg/lb of body weight twice a day.  Medication should be given for 5 – 7 days or 48hrs after all symptoms have subsided 

Good for:

  • Respiratory Tract Infections
  • Genitourinary Tract Infections
  • Gastrointestinal Tract Infections
  • Soft Tissue Infections

METRONIDAZOLE 25mg/kg of body weight twice a day for giardia and/or diarrhea  (to convert to pounds and get the dosage, divide the dogs body weight by 2.2 then times by 25.  So, if my dog was 100lbs, the math looks like this… 100lbs ÷ 2.2kgs x 25mgs = 1,136mgs… My dog needs 1,136mgs of Metronidazole.  Since Metronidazole is 500mg pills, I would just round down to 1,000, so I would give my dog 2 metronidazole pills

AZITHROMYCIN the usual dosage is 2.5 to 5mg per pound (5 to 10mg/kg) orally once daily for up to 7 days.  It may be dosed at 15mg/kg twice daily for 7 days in dogs with coccidiosis infection or dosed at 5mg/kg once daily for dogs with a Giardia infection.  Great medication for:

  • Chest Infections such as pneumonia
  • Ear, Nose & Throat and Nose Infections, such as Sinus Infections
  • Giardia Infections
  • Coccidia Infections
CEPHALEXIN 22mgs/kg of body weight twice daily

Used to treat bacterial infections of the:
  • Skin
  • Urinary Tract
  • Respiratory Tract
  • Bones and Joints