
Kibble/Raw Food Recipes

I will constantly add helpful articles I come across that will educate you on how to keep your dog healthy and happy. A healthy dog never needs to see a vet and has a longer life span than other dogs of its same breed!

When I make a recipe like this for my dogs I DO NOT cook the carrots, but I do shred them to add to the mixture and I don’t cook the broccoli, I just chop it up. (Raw is better than cooked). The eggs should be blended in the blender, shell and all, which this recipe does not state to do either. The egg shell is calcium which your dogs needs in its diet 

The recipe above is also missing the very important Knox Gelatin ingredient. Knox Gelatin should be added to all your dogs raw mixtures if there is no ground up bone in their food or make sure to add it to their kibble if you don’t feed raw. Add one pack of Knox Gelatin for every pound of your main meat, such as ground beef. (Thirty pounds of ground beef means you should be adding 30 packs of Knox Gelatin) 

If you only feed a good quality kibble to your dog than sprinkle a pack of Knox Gelatin on its food at least once a week and throw in some beef or chicken liver and heart, for the vitamin A & B’s 

Another thing the above recipe does not state but should is “Make sure to separate and freeze the food once it is made”. It will go bad in the fridge after being in there for 6 weeks. Only take out a few days worth of food at a time for your dog. Dogs won’t care for rotting food just like we don’t and the bacteria that will form on the rotting food could be deadly to your dog!

Raw Food Recipes


(Main Meat..ground or chopped up) Beef or chicken or turkey or rabbit or bison etc (Make sure your main meet is organic, for beef, bison etc this means “GRASS FED & GRASS FINISHED” so the meat your dog eats doesn’t have antibiotics or trace amounts of poisons that can harm him/her)

* Heart: min 10 %- max 50%

* Liver: min 5%- max 10% max 

Mixed Fruits & Vegetables: min 10% to max 25% (Kale, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, string beans, blueberries.. a mixture of any/all of these and more. Put them in the food processor and blend them up so your dog can’t eat around them.) 

Tripe: 5%

Goats milk: add a table spoon over ever meal or add to the recipe an appropriate amount for the recipe that will equal or be close to a table spoon for ever serving.

Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil: 1/2 teaspoon per meal or add to your recipe the equivalent (farmed salmon is no where near as good or healthy as wild Alaskan salmon)

Plain Unflavored Gelatin: 1 tsp for ever pound of main meat. 

Turmeric Golden Paste: The final ingredient to make this recipe one of the best recipes to feed your dog to be the healthiest longest lived dog you have ever owned (genetics willing) with less to no visits to the vet is “TURMERIC GOLDEN PASTE”.

Do not add the golden paste recipe to the above recipe, keep it separate and add to all your dogs meals. If you add it to the recipe, it may change the great taste and smell of the above raw food recipe and make your dog turn its nose up to your cooking…lol..Just add 1/2 to one teaspoon depending on the size of your dog. If you don’t add a little meat or veggies to the Turmeric recipe in the link that follows, than only start your dog of with 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon depending on the size of your dog. I have added a link below, which will open in a new window for the recipe and all the benefits of feeding this very important spice to your dogs food every day. One suggestion.. Once you make the Turmeric Golden Paste as it states in the link below you should add some ground up veggies and some main meat. Divide it into 4 day portions and freeze the portions, as it will only last about that long in the refrigerator. You can fill ice cube trays with this mixture and once frozen, put them into a big freezer bag and take out portions for just a few days at a time to add to your dogs food.


TRIPE: (Protein, Potassium & minerals) Dogs love tripe. You don’t have to add this every time you make this recipe, but your dog would love it if you did most of the time. 

HEART: Since it’s a muscle, heart shares many similarities with steak, roasts and ground beef, is less expensive (probably because people won’t eat it), and has a higher amount of protein, thiamine, folate, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, CoQ10 and several B vitamins. It’s a great way to rack up amino acids that can improve metabolism and compounds that aid the production of collagen and elastin. This mixture of unique nutrients helps build muscle, store energy and boost stamina and endurance. 

LIVER: One of the most common organs, liver is a great source of high quality protein and is one of the most concentrated sources of vitamin A, along with copper, folic acid and iron. It also contains Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), which is important for cardiovascular functions. Athletes love liver because it improves the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood cells, increasing endurance and strength and fighting fatigue, while its B vitamins aid people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. 

KALE: high in Iron, vitamin K, filled with powerful antioxidats, great anti- inflammatory , great for cardiovascular support, high in vitamin A, high in vitamin c, high in calcium. It is a great detox food! 

GOATS MILK: Packed with Probiotics for gut health, anti-inflammatory, good cholesterol, buffering chemicals to reduce acid, can prevent bone loss, less allergens because it is easier to digest, packed with vitamins and minerals ( vitamin B6, A, E & D)

WILD ALASKAN SALMON OIL: Packed with Omega-3s… Wild salmon oil can prevent cancer and can help slow cancer growth, helps treat arthritis in dogs, slows the progression of kidney disease, helps prevent skin allergies and helps make coats shinier and healthy-looking, helps improve brain development in young dogs and supports cognitive function in older dogs, regulates the immune system, calms overactive immune systems for dogs with allergies or autoimmune diseases, lowers blood pressure and triglycerides, provides support for dogs with kidney disease, fights heart disease, helps promote weight loss in overweight dogs, helps in producing more collagen. 

GELATIN: The main benefits of feeding your dog gelatin are:

Protects against seizures and brain damage

Has anti-inflammatory actions that can reduce painful inflammation

Supports a healthy digestive system

Is fat free, cholesterol free and sugar free

Helps harden the toe nails

Supports cartilage growth and development, especially in the joints and ears & keeps joints lubricated

Can help prevent arthritis, arthrosis and other degenerative joint disorders and diseases

Strengthens tendons, ligaments, muscles and bones

Supports a good coat, good skin and blood cell growth

Increases alertness and energy


Natural detox


Natural antibacterial

Promotes heart and liver health

Reduces blood clots that can lead to strokes and heart attacks by thinning the blood

Promotes digestive health

Acts as an antioxidant AND it’s believed to be able to prevent cancer

Offers allergy relief

Helps to prevent cataracts

Has been used in the treatment of epilepsy

Natural pain relief

Natural treatment for diarrhea


First and foremost.. If you want to have a happy and healthy dog with next to no vet visits and a long healthy life span, then the FOOD YOU FEED IT is the most important thing to look at.

Kibble is made to convenience a persons busy life.,  It is NOT the only thing you should be feeding your dog to keep it as healthy as can be!

First of all, feed it a quality kibble if you are going to feed kibble to your dog.  A quality kibble does not always mean you have to spend big bucks for a bag of food..Acana runs around $70 a bag, but you feed half the amount to your dog as it is a quality kibble and your dog will absorb mostly everything it its.  Since you feed half the amount a bag or Acana really only cost $35 for a 25lbs bag, which is only a couple bucks more than Costco’s line of foods.   Most of Costco’s Kirkland brand and Nature Domaine foods are less than a $1.00 a pound and are rated at 4.5 stars out of 5 stars.   A 40 pound bag of Kirlands Chicken and Rice, which is a 4.5 star food is only $29.00 and Costco’s Nature Domains Beef and Potato or Turkey and Potato is $30 for 35 pound bags.  SO CHEAP AND YET NOT SO BAD FOR YOUR DOG!  They won’t be as healthy as they would be on Acana or Orijen which are the 2 best kibbles in North America, but they will do okay.  If they get yeasty ears, itchy skin and chew at their paws than they are having an allergic reaction to something likely in their food and it would be best to change them to the top quality Acana or Orijen lines.

However kibble does not provide all the nutrients your dog requires to keep it healthy.  They need Gelatin (KNOX plain Gelatin) at least once a week, vegetables, fruits and hopefully some meats in their diets, such as beef or chicken livers and hearts for the very necessary vitamin A’s & B’s.

I throw raw carrots to my dogs in the yard all the time along with many other vegetables and fruits, such as cauliflower, broccoli, apples (no seeds as it is like cyanid to a dog) , bananas, etc . 

A raw diet is the best diet you can feed your dog though, so if you are able to feed raw without kibble, then feed away.  Your dog/dogs will be healthier because of the raw diet.

Did you know that dogs in other countries live until they are 20 to 30 years old, yet it North America our dogs are barely making it to 15 years old?  Our dogs live shorter lives and we spend more money at the vets, because of the horrible kibble sold on the market, all in the name of convenience.  Kibble such as Pedigree, Beniful and Science Diet to name just a few, are killing our dogs because of the horrible ingredients in these bargain basement brands.  Some brands of kibble have hefty price tags on them, so people think they are healthy for their dogs, like Iams and Science diet and Blue Buffalo etc.  But they are no better than your $15 bag of Pedigree.  If you feed kibble, buy ACANA OR ORIJEN as the cost is just a few bucks more a bag and it the BEST kibble on the market.  Costco’s Kirkland brand or their Nature Domain line which are rated at 4.5 stars will do okay for your dog as well, they just won’t thrive as well or be as healthy.

If you want to see how your food compares and what the ingredients are doing for your dogs health, than visit the (Click on the link below for their site, which will open in a new window)